We're Still Here to Help
The ASTEP Intro to Sleep Medicine for Technologists Course is only the beginning! After you complete the online and in-person sessions with us, you'll need to complete the AASM Introduction to Sleep Medicine for Technologists Modules as well. From here, the options really open up.
Also, after certification, the learning doesn't stop. The BRPT requires polysomnographic technicians to obtain fifty credits (hours) of continuing education every five years. These units, called Continuing Sleep Technology Education, or CSTE's for short, need to be maintained and submitted to the BRPT to maintain your licensure.

Complete the ASTEP Intro to Sleep Medicine for Technologists Course
- Complete the online modules
- Attend the in-person sessions
- Pass the ASTEP Intro to Sleep Medicine for Technologists Final Exam
Complete Sleep Technician Trainee Requirements
- Complete the AASM Introduction to Sleep Medicine for Technologists Modules
- Pass Your CPSGT certification exam
Complete 960 Clinical Hours
Option One: Self-Completion
- Find employment in a sleep lab
- Complete the prerequisite number of hours
- Study for RPSGT exam
- Pass the RPSGT exam
- Find full-time employment
Option Two: Focus Sleep School Apprenticeship1
- Matched to a prequalified facility in your state2
- Work with a designated preceptor (certified RPSGT) to complete core competencies and required hours
- Monthly assessments to confirm comprehension
- One-on-one Tutoring as necessary
- Pass the RPSGT exam
- Employment placement assistance provided by Focus Sleep School
Begin Your Career as an RPSGT
After completing all of the requirements, tests and certification exams, you're finally ready to begin working on your own in a sleep lab!
After this, you'll be expected to perform the duties you've been studying about for the last year and maintain your continuing education units. But don't worry, we'll still be here to provide help as you need it!
Our CSTE program gives you:
- a familiar place to come back to and complete your continuing education hours
- access to our resources, like one-on-one tutoring.
- a centralized location to keep track of all your time spent to make sure you get the credit you deserve with the BRPT
1 By application only
2 Currently only available in Tennessee. More states coming soon!